LabSSH provides a convenience method for uploading files quickly - it's a single VI call. Just provide the source filename (local computer) and the destination filename (remote computer), and you're ready to go.
Using this method, everything is handled by LabSSH - opening the file, initiating the SFTP session, transferring the file chunk-by-chunk. You, the developer, need to make only one call.
The SFTP protocol allows for more control vs SCP, so you'll be able to:
Just like with SFTP uploads, you can also download files with a single VI call. Again, by only providing the source filename (remote computer) and destination filename (local computer), you'll be able to perform an SFTP file transfer without having to do anything else.
Need to know information about a folder and its files? With the SFTP directory listing VI, you can do this quickly and easily.
How does it work? Just pass in a remote folder location, and you'll get an Array of File Information Clusters. These clusters contain:
This is a powerful tool and will save you time compared to trying to parse this information from a Shell session.
The SFTP protocol is powerful, and contains way more than just file transfers. LabSSH provides file and directory-level operations including:
For you, the developer, this means that for basic file operations, you don't need to maintain a Shell session open. You can do it all with a single SFTP session.
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